Mittwoch, 7. Oktober 2015

Nazi Occult

Also the Webelsburg Heinrich Himmler bought because he was sure that would the only place thta would resist a attack, the SS redisigned it too... There are many old myths about that little castle thats why its not only a pilgerplace for neonaz but also for newagers...But the Nazis did some weird "knights of the roundtable stuff there...
Its also said that  Erik Jan Hanussen told Hitler on New year`s eve to get a Mandragora .One month before he became Reichskanzler on the 30. january 1933. But there is also the story that this plant brought some conflicts  because it made Hermann Göring say: Oh that just looks like our Goebbels! And Goebbels got pissed off because the Mandragora was so small and crippled... 

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