Samstag, 12. Mai 2012

Bishop Ethel Predonzan

She calls herself Bishop Ethel Predonzan from the cathedral of the Creator. Omnipresence AG. Jesus called her to Santa Barbara to wait for his recurring on 4. December 1964. In her earlier lifes she was princess in China, Moses wife and daughter of Absolom as well as wife of king Salomon. Later she was the twin sister of Jesus but she died and turned into Maria Magdalena. She was Jeanne d`Arc and Bernadette too and now Bishop Predonzan. Her bird talkes with her , saying things like: " I love Jesus. I love Godfather. I love angel Gabriel. I love Mrs Bishop." Creatures from different planets visit her. Bishop Predonzan writes a Bible wich is dictated to her from above. She says:" I never gonna die , i gonna live forever. " I took the photos and information from a Diane Arbus book.

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